– It All Starts Here


Abdelhamidmohamid Hwas


Institute of Military Area, Airspace, Geographic Information Systems GIS. Graduated
July 2006.
 Geographic Information Systems.
 Remote Sensing
 Area and Maps.
 Airspace.
 Department of Information Systems at the Institute of Armed Forces.
 Analysis of aerial images.
 Program AutoCAD
 Maps with different scales.
 Topographic mapping and cartographic output.
 Geodetic maps.
 Contour maps.
 Mountain maps of 250,000: 50,000
 Create databases.
* Web application
* dashboards
* mapviewer
* CityEngine
Data Technician
Data Development
Web application
CityEngine 2022.0
Map Viewer‏
Field Maps Designer
Field Maps Designer Early Access

Abdelhamidmohamid Hwas

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